Original Nevaeh
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Nevaeh 2018
Original Art : Acrylic and metallic paint on Reeves BFK 100% Cotton Paper
PRINTS available here.
Have you ever been in a relationship where you have sort of lost your own personal identity? I mean, you start to meld into one person, seen to others as ONE and not TWO individual people? I've been there before and I'm only viewing it so crystal clear by the gift of time and distance. We all know that the Wolf is all the about the pack, but it's important to point out that the individuality of each member is honored and respected. Each Wolf is unique and allowed to express this uniqueness within the tribe. Are you allowed to fully and deeply express yourself within *your* pack? Does your tribe lift you up and help guide you on your path, or do you feel they are trying to guide you down their own? This can be the case for relationships with your partner, your place of employment, your friendships and family. I think it's important to ask these questions of ourselves also. Am I helping my people by offering my perspective and advise or am I just trying to make them see like I do? How can I be the best partner and friend I can be? I tend to lean on being fiercely independent, but I have to find balance in that and honor my pack, or else I may turn around and have no one to lean on. Or one can become *too* dependent on others and loose track of their own abilities and strengths, relying always on others to do the job for them.
Nevaeh is a beautiful Wolf that resides at Wolf Hollow Sanctuary in Ipswich, Mass.
This painting is inspired by a photograph taken by Stephen Canino
10% of the profit from the sale of the Original Painting will be donated to Wolf Hollow Sanctuary. For more information about Wolf Hollow, please visit www.wolfhollowipswich.org